Organising meeting 14th Feb 2021 18.30

Hi all,

Here’s a short agenda for the meeting this weekend:

  1. Social Media,
  2. Northfield & halfterm
  3. cafe update
  4. idea of a March AGM
  5. merch
  6. municipalism and the common funding application (
  7. informal conversation with Sants barri cooperatiu

Sending apologies for this evening, sorry about that.

I think it would be good to have an AGM in March and perhaps to use that as the moment to take on a more formal structure and all the things like bank accounts that that that opens up; I know we have discussed this previously but I assume there was never a strong consensus or at least it fell by the wayside in favour of prioritising operations. I will have to have a look through past discussions on here.

@Sergio (or anyone on the emails), did we get anything back about that grant thing?

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@ben If you are referring to the funding opportunity from a few months ago that was about 20k, we heard back from them shortly after applying. Unfortunately we were rejected.

Cooperation Birmingham Organising Meeting 2021-02-14

Present: Leo, Amelia, Sean, Sergio

Minutes: Leo

Forum post: Organising meeting 14th Feb 2021 18.30


  1. Social Media,
  2. Northfield & halfterm
  3. Cafe update
  4. Idea of a March AGM
  5. Merch
  6. Municipalism and the common funding application (


Social Media

Going well. Just need some tweaks. There isn’t time to do the newsletter for half term.

  • Going to make a style guide for social media. Leo to start a draft on the forum.
  • Sean and Amelia to try and have a few sessions to get the newsletter together. Sergio can proof read.
  • One post a week.
  • GoFundMe needs update. Leo to ask in social media group to work on that.

Northfield & half term

  • Cooking for four days. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.
  • Today went well
  • Food is done via fairshare.
  • Northfield delivering Monday and Thursday to participants.
  • Friday deep clean of the kitchen.
  • Amelia to ask chefs how much it cost. Possible re-imbursment via Northfield.

Solidarity Cafe update

  • Not much to share. Need an update from Cecile.
  • Waiting for bank account to be setup before we can recieve the funding.

Idea of a March Annual General Meeting

  • It’s been a year (weeps)
  • Needs to be done.
  • Good oppitunity to work out what we want to do and where we want to go.
  • Make it a proper event.
  • Amelia - Is there enough time before March to advertise it?
  • Phone banking?
  • Could we do something fun after the meeting?
  • Sean - Maybe 21st or 27/28th March?
  • 27th March ?
  • Sean to make graphic we can use for advertise
  • Amelia to send email
  • Sergio to invite Barcelona mutual aid group to present their 15 year co-operative/mutual aid


  • Sean to investigate the design and printing of the bandanas.

Municipalism and the common funding application (

  • Small grants of up to 1500 euros.
  • If we got it, we should buy a bike sound system.
  • Sergio to take the lead, ensure that deadlines are met.

Any Other Buisness

@Lai not sure why the formatting is so funny in that - it just came from the notes :

@Sergio was that the EU one? you were applying to recently sounds like ben is asking about the more recent one

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@sean_f aha I’m not sure. I just copied and pasted it as I edited your post and it sorted it out.

oh, I see! no news from the European project yet, I’ll keep you updated. This type of grants usually take very long though…

It was that EU agroecology thing I was thinking about, a month or so ago… I don’t remember what happened but I know it was very short notice so perhaps we missed it altogether

Edit: sorry, I missed the other posts about this