Open meeting for solidarity kitchen. Friday 20th March, 5pm

I want to propose a 5pm meeting on Friday (20th) for all people who want to be involved in supporting the work of the fundraiser and other aspects of the co-operation birmingham project. We are putting a blog post up about where we’ve got so far which includes this as a suggestion but if it’s not a good time for people I can just sit online at that time and signpost people who do show up to another meeting?


Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

See more info on Jitsi Meet. Just share your microphone with the site, don’t worry about video. No need to install anything. Use headphones. Mute yourself when not talking. There will be a facilitator/moderator.

Agenda in wiki post below

This is a wiki post so anyone with an account can edit. Feel free to add points for discussion.


Check in

Check in to see how we’re all feeling.

Hi @Lai,

I’ve had a look at the Jitsi forum and it’s suggesting they’re having issues.

Is there any chance the group could use another server or create a Jitsi Meet instance?


Well spotted!

I know this is another server:

Maybe there’s a list somewhere.

And another that is co-op run:

I cannot edit the wiki at all but some suggestions for our agenda:
-well-being check (already suggested) and also whether we are isolating right now and how long we expect this to continue
-finance check in and discussion of what costs we may incur
-admin tasks that need doing
-outreach - who can we ask for help?
-volunteer health and safety protocol
-food we might cook/provide (if chefs are present)

Let’s try the original link. It was working for me last night: