This is an editable list so we can collate a list of people to contact in the next few days once our press release is out, and a suggestion for each category what we could aim to get from them.
Local news media
Raise awareness, funds and local organisers
- Birmingham Mail
- BBC Birmingham and Black Country
National news media
Raise awareness and funds, build national pressure for social distancing, spread our tactics
- Guardian
- Independent
- FT (promote the agile business pivoting line)
International news media
Raise awareness and funds, build world pressure for social distancing, spread our tactics
- Huffington Post
- Buzzfeed
National political media
Raise awareness and funds, politicise the discussion around COVID countermeasures, build alliances, put pressure on the state
- Tribune magazine
- Novara Media
International political media
Raise awareness and funds, politicise the discussion around COVID countermeasures, spread the political message to other countries
- Lefty podcasts
- Rev Left Radio
- Chapo Trap House
- It’s Going Down
Relevant local groups
Build effective alliances, find more resources to leverage, benefit from others expertise and experience
- Food banks…? just to advertise
- The Real Junk Food Project (we already have a link)
- Homeless outreach groups
- Gurdwaras and other religious food providers
- Other local mutual aid / cooperation groups round the UK
- Cooperation Kentish Town
*The Mix community cafe/ GAP Arts
*ACORN (to spread the word)
*Unison (nurse section, uni workers section as their members may want to use)
*The World Transformed
*No Borders/other migrant groups
*Socialist Students
*Selly Oak student community group
*Extinction Rebellion
*Youth Strike 4 Climate
these mostly for shares:
*Eastside Projects
*Feminist work for change
*The Edge
- Cooperation Kentish Town
Relevant nation groups
Build effective alliances, find more resources to leverage, benefit from others expertise and experience
- Radical Routes
- The National Food Service
Relevant international groups
Build effective alliances, find more resources to leverage, benefit from others expertise and experience
- Cooperation Jackson
- Black Socialists of America (very relevant to their dual power strategy)
- Other radical municipalism groups…
Relevant UK people
Raise awareness through social media signal boosting, try to influence the national conversation - we don’t have to like them but we can benefit from their attention
(This motley bunch is basically taken from a list of the most influential left wingers in media)
- Owen Jones
- Caitlin Moran
- Nick Lowles
- Laurie Penny
- Mark Ferguson
- Ken Loach
- George Montbiot
- Mary Beard
Relevant international people
Raise awareness through social media signal boosting, try to influence the world conversation, benefit from the experiences in other countries
- Scott Crow
- I don’t even know, there are millions