Finance Expense Policy

Cooperation Birmingham Expense Policy

Cooperation Birmingham is using Open Collective to administer financial transactions. Co-op funds are held by The Social Change Nest, who manage our account in a transparent, reliable and accountable way. Funds are anticipated from private donations, members’ subs and contributions from other organisations.

Co-op organisers are responsible for authorising expenses, raised by submitting an invoice or a receipt. All transactions are noted in the co-op budget and on the Open Collective platform.

Funds will be used for the following purposes:

Purchasing ingredients for hot meals for people isolating due to Covid 19
Purchasing supplies and equipment for food distribution and storage
Paying for the transport costs of food distribution
Paying for Co-operation Birmingham’s other activities including the Media Co-op

Payments will be made weekly on Thursdays, once they have been approved by a Co-op Organiser, and made directly to a bank account to avoid incurring transaction fees.

Expenses must include a valid receipt or invoice, clearly showing the total amount spent, date, and details of the expense.

For more information email

Edited your post with a few corrections and some minor rewording that better reflects what we do (eg. participant meals rather than meals for people on a list)