Hey folks, just want to propose we hold an interclub/fun games/sock-wrestling-for-the-name event in Bristol.
Bristol punch up has recently been given £1000 just at a time when they’ve been forced to go dormant due to not enough capacity.
There’s a number of people who want it to work, but they are struggling to have the minimum level to sustain the space theyve been training in.
Speaking with Sophie, I suggested we host a relaunch event with them to bring in some of the people who have been on the edge, to have a lovely day, and give them a good chance to get together a new crew to keep it going and evolving.
Otherwise they plan to give the money back or to another group in Bristol. Our suggestion is to spend maybe £200 for the day? And then if they want to pass the rest on if it doesn’t lead to anything then fair enough.
Obviously with it being in Bristol, some things will be necessary for them to do, but I was hoping we could cover as many bases at this end as possible. Eg art, structure, booking, transport, food, childcare
Potentially it could be a pretty big event or a very small one just with us and punch up Bristol. Lmi what people think? I would love to aim for the end of march but maybe that’s too ambitious.
Thanks friends.
Draft day plan:
10:00, arrive, greetings, then 90 minute training session, LMA games with people from other gyms.
Some people arrive the night before, stay with comrades and cook food for lunch at 1pm, giving 30minutes to heat up etc.
2pm pedagogy discussion and national red gym org theorising.
4pm fights! Rule sets available: kick boxing, must Thai, sock wrestling. 6:30pm dinner (mass chippie anyone?) and then go home.
Sunday 19th after gym we are doing an short meeting to assign tasks to people.