AGM 2021 & Festivities thread

birthday party 1 year


Hey @Sergio and I have been working on the timings for the AGM and have put this together as an initial attempt.
need to decide when to start it does the afternoon (starting at 4.30 or 5) or earlier in the day work better? On thing to bear in mind is that @ben is working that day! until 5 unfortunately

Proposed timing for the AGM

Session 1: Inspiration (1.5 hours)
Welcome and introduction to the AGM: 5 mins

Cooperation Birmingham: what we’ve done in the past year - 10-15 mins

Cooperation Town: 15-20 mins

Sants Barri Cooperatiu: 15-20 mins

Discussion: 30-40 mins

30 mins break 30 mins eating together

Session 2: Decisions (1.5 hours)